Summer Ready Checklist

by Ernie Harjono 06/03/2019

Spring time after a long winter is always a welcome change. But soon, long summer days will bring scorching heat to your home.

Preparing your home for the summer is something many of us don’t do until it’s too late--as we’re hoisting an air conditioner into a window on a 90-degree afternoon.

In this article, we’re going to help you avoid such struggles. Read on for advice on how to prep your home for the summer heat.

Air conditioners

We’ll start with one of the most important objects in your home when summertime arrives--your air conditioner or HVAC systems.

First, change your filters. After almost a year of collecting dust, your filters will need to be cleaned or replaced to best circulate the air in your home. A dirty, clogged cooling system is bad for your home in more ways than one. The unit will struggle to circulate air and will have to work harder. That could mean components breaking on a hot summer day leaving you stranded in the heat. Over the long run, it can cost you more on your utility bill as it has to run longer to achieve the same temperature change.

Prepare for insects

You’ll be tempted to toss open the windows to let in a cool, summer evening breeze, but if you haven’t checked your screens you might be inviting in more than refreshing air.

Make sure your screens have no holes, including your windows, doors, and other ventilation systems that lead to the outside.

Use smart lighting and cooking practices

There’s no need to bring in more heat than is necessary in the summertime. Close the blinds and curtains on the east side of your home in the morning and the ones on the west side in the afternoon to decrease the greenhouse effect of warming your house with sunlight.

Similarly, opt for cooking outdoors or using your microwave when possible to avoid heating up the kitchen.

Clean the kitchen

Kitchen odors become worse in the summer heat. To avoid unpleasant odors, the spring is a good time to do a deep clean of your kitchen. Emptying and cleaning your cabinets, throwing away expired food, and degreasing the surfaces in your kitchen will help avoid kitchen odors.

Finally, Enjoy!

After you have finished all the above preparation for the summer, you’ll be on your way to staying cool and refreshed during even the hottest summer days. Enjoy the warm sunny weather with your friends and family and don't forget to eat plenty of summer fruits to stay cool and hydrated. 

About the Author

Ernie Harjono

Hi, I'm Ernie Harjono and I'd love to assist you. Whether you're in the research phase at the beginning of your real estate search or you know exactly what you're looking for, you'll benefit from having a real estate professional by your side. I'd be honored to put my real estate experience to work for you.