Tips for Keeping Your Home Cool in The Summer

by Ernie Harjono 07/07/2019

Summer season sometimes brings with it a terrible heat experience, alongside its pleasant memories. Here are some ideas and tips for keeping your home comfortable during the hot summer period.

  1. Close your blinds and curtains.Tip number one is as easy as that. Closing your blinds helps prevent heat from the exterior traveling into your home and heating it. Blackout curtains are going to be useful in this season as they can block sunlight from entering the rooms in which you install them.
  2. Close and open doors as appropriate.You should close doors to any rooms not in use at any particular time, while you open up all other entries. What this does is prevent cooled air from moving into spaces that don't need it, in essence containing the cold air in the places you want it.
  3. Use natural lighting or energy-saving bulbs as much as possible.Traditional bulbs are notorious for raising the temperature in a room by as much as nine to eleven degrees, so sticking to sunlight or using energy-saving bulbs might be your best option.
  4. Sleep at lower levels.Physics teaches that heat rises, so you might be better off sleeping on the ground floor or basement or even putting a mattress on the floor at night. While you are considering sleep location changes, switch your bedding and sheets to silk or cotton as they have a more pronounced cooling effect than linen or microfiber blends. A very nice hack would be to freeze sheets in a dry plastic bag for a few hours before you are ready to hit the sack.
  5. Open up the windows at night.Night time is going to be decidedly cooler than the day so you can take advantage of these precious hours and leave your windows open as you go to bed. However, don't forget to close the windows and blinds as soon as you get up in the morning to prevent the morning heat from rushing in.
  6. Plant a tree for shade.Planting a tree could work in the future by creating shade around your house which could help lower the air temperatures by as much as 25 degrees. While you are planning towards that, consider installing an indoor plant in your home. They will help remove humidity and keep the air cooler. 

 While you enjoy the summer holidays, take advantage of these few tips to get the best out of the season

About the Author

Ernie Harjono

Hi, I'm Ernie Harjono and I'd love to assist you. Whether you're in the research phase at the beginning of your real estate search or you know exactly what you're looking for, you'll benefit from having a real estate professional by your side. I'd be honored to put my real estate experience to work for you.