Tag: Buying A Home

Posted on 10/11/2020
Moving to a Larger Home: Are You Ready for It?
Image by Konstantin L from Shutterstock After living in a small apartment or crowded house, you might be dreaming of having more space, a bigger closet, or just one more bathroom to ease the clutter and closeness. When is a larger home the answer? Before making the leap to more square footage, consider all the factors that fill...
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Posted on 02/09/2020
Home Shopping With Technology
Photo by Bruce Mars via Pexels House shopping when you live far from your new community is not easy, but technology makes it much simpler to tackle this big task. While nothing beats in-person visits, if you live across the country, or even in an international destination, you may not have that option. Here’s a look at how...
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Posted on 02/02/2020
Should You Create a Homebuying Budget?
A homebuying budget can make a world of difference, particularly for those who want to streamline a house search. If you have a budget at your disposal, you will know approximately how much you can spend on a residence. Then, you can narrow your house search accordingly. Establishing a homebuying budget can be simple. Now, let's take a look...
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Posted on 07/22/2019
4 Misconceptions About Mortgages
You may have wanted to apply for a mortgage at some point but were put off by something negative someone said about this type of loan. Similarly, you may have been encouraged to apply for one based on some false information but met with a quick rejection. Some of the information that bred these misconceptions may not be...
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Posted on 05/05/2019
What's It Like to Buy a Home?
There is no feeling like the one associated with buying a house. If you know how to navigate the homebuying journey, you can boost the likelihood of enjoying an unforgettable property buying experience. Now, let's take a look at three tips to help you seamlessly navigate the homebuying journey. 1. Create Homebuying Criteria For those who want to enter...
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Posted on 04/23/2019
Prepare for a House Search
Before you launch a home search, it helps to prepare for the property buying journey as much as possible. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to get ready to find your dream house. Now, let's take a look at three tips to help you prep for a home search. 1. Establish Homebuying Criteria If you know you...
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Posted on 03/25/2019
Why You Might Search For A Home On A Dead-End Street
The location of the homes you’re looking at in your search is key. You probably have at least a couple of cities and towns narrowed down, but do you know specifics? Is there a particular neighborhood that you would prefer to live in? The street that you choose to live on will also have a lot to do with...
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Posted on 02/25/2019
Can the Homebuying Journey Be Fast and Easy?
There is no need to struggle as you pursue your dream home. In fact, there are many things you can do to ensure the homebuying journey is quick and easy. Now, let's take a look at three tips to help you enjoy a seamless property buying experience. 1. Know Where You Want to Reside It often helps to narrow...
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Posted on 02/19/2019
Reasons to Plan Ahead for Buying a Home
Pursuing a house can be difficult, regardless of the current housing market's conditions. Thankfully, homebuyers who plan ahead may be better equipped than others to enjoy a quick, seamless and successful homebuying experience. Ultimately, there are many reasons to prepare for buying a house, and these include: 1. You can determine where you want to live. A homebuyer who...
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